The Holiday Issue of When Fashion and Nature Collide

Brrr… It’s cold outside! Of course, you can minimize the time you’re outdoor, but it’s the holiday season and unless you’re a hermit your agenda is probably booked with family visits, nights out with friends and… lots of errands to do before these events. How do you keep warm and stylish?
You don’t have to sacrifice style for warmth. The best way to keep the chill bumps at bay when you have to transit from one place to another is to snuggle up in knits. You know, the kind of sweaters that are so soft everyone around wants to give you a hug. Perfect timing. Tis is after all the season of Hugs, comfort and joy! And that’s the theme of our December edition of When Fashion and Nature Collide.
3C Style photo collage –– Photography and Christmas tag artwork by Lisa Lawrence, Lismore Paper HCJCapEcran
Note: In case you’ve not seen these capsules before, the When Fashion and Nature Collide project is a monthly collaboration with two of my WP friends: Lisa of Lismore Paper and Darren of The Arty Plantsman.
The third wednesday of each month you can see outfits styled by me, and art from Lisa, that were inspired by Darren’s flower pictures and the critter pictures of photographers who collaborate with the team. With the spirit of protecting nature I pull together my outfits with clothing already available in my wardrobe. When purchases are to be made, these come from vintage shops and thrift stores or from socio-eco-friendly brands.
Enjoy the issue!

Hugs ― Laughter with those that understand us is music for the soul.
A hug at the right moment and a kind shoulder to lean on,
Is the sprinkle of magic that keeps us walking towards hope.” ― Mimi Novic

A hug is a wonderful thing. It’s a marvelous gift to share. It’s a grand way to say; “I care.” A hug communicates support, security, affection, unity, and belonging. A hug shows compassion. A hug brings delight. A hug charms the senses. A hug touches the soul.” ― Coach MD

Comfort ― “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”― Edith Sitwell

Joy ― “Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home. It’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” ― Chuck Palahniuk

Layer like an onion… 

But look as lovely as the Hepatica Japonica 
Photography of 3C Style by Marie-Claude Viola –– Flower photography by Darren Sleep, The Arty Plantsman –– Stylist: Dominique Nancy, 3C Style Japonica Collage 1Japonica 4
Knit, hat, tights, boots and a great coat are a must against the cold. Okay, fine, these pieces may not be the sexiest in your wardrobe, but they’re what you need when it’s 10 below with a – 20 wind chill. Smart women know that shattering teeth is not sexy! But it’s possible to have your look in equal parts night owl and snug as a bug. The trick is to layer. First, with a thin base of Merino wool or silk. These fabrics will keep you dry. Don’t wear cotton. You’ll freeze. Then add some wool, cashmere or fleece to retain body heat. Finally, make sure your coat is weatherproof so that the heat stays close to your body during your winter outings. A pair of knee high boots is also a good option to keep your legs warm.

Let it Snow! 

The Snow Owl 
Photography of 3C Style by Marie-Claude Viola –– Snow owl photography by Lisa Lawrence, Lismore Paper –– Stylist: Dominique Nancy, 3C Style Snow owl CollageASnow owl Collage C
Yes, you can wear your white jeans into the winter months. You can even go for an all white outfit. It’s an easy way to stand out in a sea of black winter coats. Just add depth to your look with different textures and shades like a chunky ecru knit, leather booties and a wool scarf. 100% cozy!
These gentlemen below were intrigued by the photo shoot and wanted to be part of it. My pleasure.

snow owl12

A cool elegance 

The Menyanthes Trifolia
Photography of 3C Style by Marie-Claude Viola –– Flower photography by Darren Sleep, The Arty Plantsman –– Stylist: Dominique Nancy, 3C Style Bog Bean 13Bog Bean Collage 11
Add a fun element to your look with feathers or fringes –– These are the embellishments of the season. And yes, a beret will bring a little Je ne sais quoi to your look. It’s a timeless, elegant and super snug accessory.
Bog Bean14_MG_0863

Check out for white magic 

The Moth 
Photography of 3C Style by Marie-Claude Viola –– Moth photography by Darren Sleep, The Arty Plantsman –– Artwork by Lisa Lawrence, Lismore Paper –– Stylist: Dominique Nancy, 3C Style Moth Collage7Moth Collage4Moth Collage6
Try a twist on the classic plaid pattern by opting for an unexpected color, such as emerald green. To add a dose of cozy-cool vibe to my midi length skirt, I’ve mixed it with a cable sweater and cream-toned pieces. It  makes the plaid print stand out even more.
Do and the Moth

High Five 

The Polar Bear
Photography of 3C Style by Marie-Claude Viola –– Polar Bear photography by Simon Gee, Comedy wildlife photo –– Stylist: Dominique Nancy, 3C Style –– Artwork by Lisa Lawrence, Lismore Paper Polar bear Collage APolar Bear Collage B
With the snow falling in Montreal since the beginning of december the landscape looked and felt festive up until a few days ago. We had a warm period of Spring-like weather during a week that caused rain fall instead of snowfall, which forced unusual melting during a normally cold season. I really like the change of seasons in Quebec. But not when it happens in December! Now, it’s hard to find a spot that is completely snow-covered. Worst, the snow that didn’t melt seals the ground in a sheet of ice. Believe me, boots that give you traction to navigate icy patches are a must if you live in Quebec. Oh, and also, do not make the mistake of thinking you can safely walk through those slushy black puddles. Chances are you’ll be landing on your behind. That being said, Quebec winter won’t kill you and with the right clothing you can even enjoy it.
Polar Bear Collage GSweater, hat and gloves transformed digitally by Lisa .
Photography of 3C Style by Marie-Claude Viola –– Tags artwork by Lisa Lawrence, Lismore Paper –– Stylist: Dominique Nancy, 3C Style _MG_0949christmas-tree-1093959_640
Hope you have enjoy our December Issue. Happy holiday season to everyone and a magnificent 2019! 
Don’t forget to visit Lismore Paper and The Arty Plantsman to get an overall view of When Fashion and Nature Collide.
The Happy Trio of When Fashion and Nature Collide
Darren Sleep, Dominique Nancy, Lisa Lawrence

Next edition of When Fashion and Nature Collide: January 16th 

Let’s stay connected: Bloglovin – Instagram @3cstyle_fashion

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 When Fashion and Nature Collide
September IssueOctober Issue
How to wear The Fashioned by Nature Cat T-shirts

  1. Ohhh!
    C’est tellement beau!
    J’ai un coup de coeur fini pour l’ensemble avec l’extraordinaire jupe pied de coq verte. Oh! Tu vas creer des accidents sur la route avec ça si tu marches sur le trottoir. Une magnifique fée des étoiles 2018 pour aller voir les enfants à ste Justine. Sérieux tu as qq chose d’un peu irréel dans cet ensemble… ton visage à qqchose d’evanescent…
    Bravo aussi à Daren les fleurs sont si belles et la blanche ressemble tellement à ton pull de Yéti !!

    Passe de belle fêtes Dominique
    Bisous xxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha… Olivier appelle aussi ce manteau “Le Yéti”. Tellement drôle. Lorsque j’ai vu cette fleur, j’ai tout de suite pensé à mon manteau et je savais exactement comment j’allais agencer la tenue. Merci pour tes gentils mots Imelda. Je ferai sans faute le message à Darren. Joyeuses fêtes à toi aussi! xoxo


    1. Thank you Alan. I also like the bear paw design that Lisa has created. Very original. It’s getting cold again over here. I definitely will need to wear my tights, hat and gloves. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. Keep well. Hugs. -Dominique

      Liked by 2 people

  2. A lovely warming post for a cold month my gorgeous friend. As you know, I am a big fan of hugs too! So have a hug from me. In fact – have lots of them.
    Your description of falling over in the slushy snow is not convincing me to visit in winter. You must guarantee hot cocoa.
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas! Love and another set of hugs. X

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, I guarantee not only hot cocoa but whisky, coffee and Indian food. I know, I’m such a tease! Sending lots of hugs your way dear friend. Merry Christmas to you as well. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Another fabulous post! You are amazing my friend. I don’t think I could pick a favorite item, I love them all! Thank you for another month of endless inspiration and friendship. You and Darren have incredible talent. Much love and lots of hugs! 💖💗

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Oh my goodness! Your interpretation (translation?) of the Bog Bean is amazing. Where on earth did you find that fuzzy top? I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color of that green skirt. I am about to make you laugh. That is very nearly the same color I picked for our new garage doors! haha!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I burst out laughing when I read your comment! 😄 There is just you to make such a funny comparison and have the audacity to tell me. Haha… Your garage door will be stunning. Thank you for your nice comment. About the Bog Bean. This flower is so inspiring and pretty. I was pretty satisfied with the result. I got the fuzzy coat a long time ago. My son calls it my “Yeti outfit”. By cons, my concept of photos for the moth was not as successful. Originally, my idea was to make the angel in the snow and the white moth would “make the angel” on my mouth. I love what Lisa did with the moth. But my attempts to make the angel in the snow were not successful since the snow was icy. The green skirt is a vintage piece. I love it too.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. I also used to put my white jeans away. But I finally caught the bug. I just make sure to wear thin wool tights under so I don’t freeze. Cotton is not winter’s best friend. Thanks for your kind words. And season’s greetings to you and yours as well!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Dee-Dee! So glad to hear from you. I meant to send you an email but I’m a mess these days. I’m behind on my shopping, and my long to-do list is never ending… The funny thing is I had already bought many of my Christmas gifts in September but I couldn’t wait to give them. Lol! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. 🎄

      Liked by 2 people

  5. There is not a single piece that you are wearing on this edition that I wouldn’t buy or wear……….well,may be just the white trousers because my but might look bigger but with a long jumper I would get those as well😉happy holidays to most gorgeous and talented fashion blogger I know🎄

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Oh là là! Your winter outfits look spectacular! Warm, cozy and elegant at the same time! That’s definitely no small feat to achieve. I more or less look like a bundled up penguin. 😉😂
    But I’m all for cashmere, such a lovely soft texture that’s super light and keeps you warm, just perfect, isn’t it?
    And no wonder those guys wanted to be part of your shoot – you look gorgeous!!! 😍
    Another perfect capsule of When nature and fashion collides! Bravo! 😄💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Sarah! Penguins are so cute. Hihi… It is true that when we are wrapped in our knitwear and snow pants we have a funny step. But the important thing is to be warmly dressed and comfortable. Cashmere sweaters and cable knits are my go-to for Winter. I even add a warm & soft blanket when I stay inside and get cozy reading on the sofa. I enjoy the joys of winter but I’m always cold! I am more the lizard type who likes to bask in the sand and go for long walks on the beach. Keep well dear friend. 💕 xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I´m really not sure about looking cute, waddling and slogging along but it´s nice to imagine I could – at least in your mind. 😉 But since I care more for being warm and comfy and less for looking awesome, that´s the price I´ve got to pay! 😂
      When I´m at home, there´s always a hot water bottle in my reach, right now – at my feet as I´m sitting at my desk. 😉
      Take care and keep war, dear friend! Huge hugs! xoxo ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Haha… I have a funny image of the two of us. You with your hot water bottle at your feet and me with my soft and warm blanket on my legs. We definitely should be thinking about moving South! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Lady D, l hope you are keeping well, and that you had a fabulous Christmas, l guess as you are quiet it’s been non stop go action – take care and once again, terrifically vibrant post – was that a butterfly pendant on your lips?

      Made me think of Silence of the Lambs strangely enough.

      Be well, keep warm, regards to all on and in home front 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Terribly busy indeed. I was also happy to go away with my family but I had no Internet access most of the time. That’s not a bad thing either once in a while. Yes, it was a moth on my lips. We just thought it would be cool. Honestly, I didn’t think of Silence of the Lambs. I should of though since I enjoyed that film very much. Lol! Happy 2019! Keep well.

      Liked by 1 person

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