How To Enhance Your Style?

DOMINIQUE (16 of 26)Photography of 3C Style by R. Cordova
Do you wear your clothing the exact same way each season? Has your hairstyle changed in the past 10 years? Do you long to be more confident and stylish in outfits that reflect the image you want to send back to the world?
Feeling put-together is less complicated than it seems. Follow these three tips below and never, ever get stuck in a style rut again.
Firstly, I’d love to take you back in time… When I first started blogging. Back then, I thought the Bohemian style was not for me. I mean, the hippiesh groove of the late ’60s and ’70s was long gone, right? I must admit, It looked nice on Kate Moss but somehow I didn’t think the Boho look would fit me. Well, that’s before I gave a try to Boho Chic.

See how I looked back then, HERE

1. Try it, at least once!

Since 2016, I have learned to try new styles of clothing once in a while. Yes, I made mine the motto: “Try it, at least once!” — I believe this is true to almost every aspect of our life.
Having a soup for breakfast like they do in Japan instead of my regular toast with marmalade? Absolutely! Sporting a ladylike handbag with sneakers and distressed jeans? Certainly. Beautiful things should be enjoyed as often as possible. It is pointless to save your lovely bag only for special occasions. It is in your power to make your everyday ‘Special’. So, go ahead and try the neon colour shirt… You never know. It might become your next summer #BF.
My point is that our body and tastes change and will keep changing as we age. The key to stay stylish is to adapt. I don’t mean following all the trends but in order to really know what YOU like or don’t like and what fits you or not, you must first get out of your comfort zone.

2. Observe and take notes 

Next time that you see something you love, ask yourself WHY. Maybe it is the fabric, the way it moves, or the aesthetic of that item that draw you to it like waves on the beach. Knowing this will make it much easier for you to boost your own sense of style. Like everything else in life, it takes some practice but creativity will soon be at the rendez-vous.
BohoBoho 2Photo Collage by 3C Style
Tips —for a more elegant and current feel work the Boho style with other trends as well. For example, layer a beaded jacket over your favourite white dress. Gold jewelry chains and bracelets look especially cool with a peasant blouse and a low bun. You could also rock this ‘Summer of Love’ vibe with palazzo pants and a jacket… You get the idea. The magic is in the mix! 

3. Know what’s in your wardrobe

I can give you all the tips to highlight your beauty, confidence and style, but this is absolutely USELESS if you do not take into account my third advice. It’s actually the most important one. Keep your wardrobe tidy and know what’s in it. Nowadays, there are many apps that can help you sort your clothes and ensure that you never run out of interesting outfit ideas. But first you have to declutter your dressing room from what does not suit/or fit you anymore. Otherwise your style will scatter and you will buy more garments that you will quickly forget in the back of your closet. Does it sound familiar?
If it takes you more then five minutes to decide what to wear in the morning chances are your closet is not tidy and/or you have too much clothing. You may also be missing the right items the essential pieces that allow you to create countless stylish outfits, such as an ivory silk blouse, a trench and a beautiful belt. But first things first. I urge you to spruce up your wardrobe.
Closet-Tidy.jpgImage by Elle
Save yourself money and precious time, organize it so you can see everything at a glance without feeling overwhelmed. Your closet will make more sense and than you’ll be able to use and enjoy what you already have. Like I said previously, you might need to buy a few accessories to put together modern combinations but these purchases will be made wisely with a clear purpose. Having a neat closet will magically enhance your creativity. Putting together new looks that you never thought of before will be a no-brainer.
I hope this has helped and will encourage you not to let your personal style get blurred. Embrace your figure and figure out what looks best on you according to your body’s shape, lifestyle and preferences. You are your own canvas. Give yourself a chance to shine. “Life is not a dress rehearsal!” Rose Tremain.
DOMINIQUE (18 of 26)Photography of 3C Style by R. Cordova
Let’s stay connected: Bloglovin – Instagram @3cstyle_fashion

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    1. Hope your parents are happy in their new place. I know it can be difficult sometimes for older people to adapt to a new environment. Thank you for stopping by Tony.

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  1. Knowing your wardrobe is key to everything especially your sanity in the early morning hours. This is fantastic and I love these pictures! You have taught me so much over the past year sis! Love and Hugs!! 💕

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Lol 😄 You are so right Lisa. We need our sanity, especially in the morning as we also have to make breakfast for the kids and their school lunch. Glad my little tips have been helpful. You inspire me so much my dear friend. xxx

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Because of you, I have stepped a bit out of my comfort zone. Honestly, your blog does it often for me. Personally, I like the Boho style. So true about life not being a dress rehearsal. It’s showtime every day. Hugs. -Alan

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Agree! And there are no rewinds. Let it fill us with rush of excitement and passion. Thank you for your kind words Alan. Are you performing somewhere this weekend?

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Not me. I do sing in a church band each weekend & that keeps me busy. My daughter, Megan, is performing two or three times a week up in Western New York somewhere. I no longer have her kind of energy. Oh, to be 29 years old again. Lol.

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    3. You made me laugh Alan. Don’t get me started on the subject of “youth”. Oh well, ok. 😄 Do we get to keep our experience and confidence? Cuz I aint going back without that —though having the energy of a young body would definitely be welcome.

      Liked by 3 people

    4. Dominique, let me treat you. Click on That’s Megan’s band. They have a brand new album out. When you get on their site click on the “Store”. There you will find the album with each cut. Without downloading anything, you can click on each song to hear it. The last cut, “Piece of Mind”. That is the best song on the project & my personal favorite. Megan is the lead singer of the band. Enjoy!

      Liked by 3 people

    5. Thank you so much for sharing this with me Alan. What a beautiful treat. Your daughter is very talented and gorgeous. I have listened to the album. All of it. And I did hit the repeat button a couple of times to hear again ‘I Bet you did’, ‘More to Life’ and ‘Peace of Mind’. In the garden of music, Megan’s voice is an Orchid. It has indeed the uniqueness and mystique of the elegant blooms. Cheers!

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Nice post 3C, I love the gif of the cat that’s so cute, hear’s another little tip that can help make your morning a little easier lay out you’re wardrobe the night before one less thing to think about in the morning.


    Liked by 6 people

    1. Yes, It is a good tip. I used to do that when the kids were younger. Now, I usually write my blog post/or reply to the comments at night. Lol Thankfully, my closet is tidy so it doesn’t take me too long to decide what to wear.

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  4. Je trie régulièrement mon dressign, mais je garde certaines pièces que je ne met plus car j’y tiens et des fois plusieures années plus tard je les remet régulièrement.
    Mon style a également évolué au cours du temps, mon corps et mon esprit également, on n’est pas pareil physiquement ni mentalement à 18 et 30 ans 😀 J’ose me permettre des combinaisons de vêtements/chaussures et certains styles que je n’aurais pas osé plus jeune. Et j’ai définitivement bannit les tenues d’adolescentes qui font penser à une prostituée 😉

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Tu as absolument raison: trier régulièrement -au moins une fois par année- est la bonne facon de maintenir son dressing fonctionnel. Notre corps change, nos besoins aussi, et avec les années, heureusement, vient généralement une plus grande confiance en soi. On sait davantage quelle image de nous on veut projeter. On n’a pas la pression des pairs qui incite à faire comme tout le monde. J’ai aussi quelques pièces que je garde car elles ont une valeur sentimentale. Il y a également des robes que je porte seulement une fois par année, mais je les garde précieusement car elles sont irremplacables. Je les mets dans une valise au sous-sol afin de ne pas encombrer mon dressing.

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  5. I always enjoy reading your posts and your philosophy Dominique. You took me clothes shopping in Montreal and I love what we bought. You would normally despair of my approach though – feel around in the wardrobe in the dark and put on whatever emerges! I do try to look reasonably presentable if in public (honest) but on work days I am usually either in my office (with the door locked this week) or wearing a lab coat, so nobody sees me anyway. Except on the bus, but then when I am talking to a loaf if bread it does not really matter if I am dressed well anyway does it?😀

    I love the photos in this post 😍

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Ooh la la, it made me laugh so hard. Here is an experiment that we should try during your next visit. We could evaluate if people’s reactions vary according to the clothes a person wears. In the first experiment, you would be dressed in your everyday clothes and talk to your loaf of bread. In the other experiment, you would wear a very chic suit and do the same. For example, you could say to your loaf of bread: “Do not worry, we’ll be home soon and I’ll eat you.” 😀 Would you be up to do this?

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Loved this post-Domonique, I’m finally starting to enjoy shopping again although my back still doesn’t allow as long a time as I would like but new things are appearing in my wardrobe. If only the sun would continue to shine for longer than a couple of days.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hello Alison! Hope your back will soon feel better. Nurture yourself and enjoy the good weather while it lasts. It’s the same over here. It is warm and sunny at the moment and I am writing to you while enjoying an ice tea in my garden. Despite all the weeds, which I should take care of, it is heaven on earth! xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. OH wow I’m loving this post. I do need to tidy up my closet. I love the idea of taking notes about what you like when you see something eye catching! I’m going to start going this! I love this post. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I take notes, but also do doodles or create mood boards so I can easily remember what I liked. Thank you Michelle for you. kind words. Have a wonderful and creative weekend.

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  8. Hey Lady D, another smashing post – l have recently made a huge change to my wardobe and style. These days of course l don’t have to have the clothes from yesterday. But the recipe is still same in many ways a few lead primes, some vibrant splashes and reflective of course on style some accessories or some blingfab – always works 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Rory for visiting. Sorry for taking so long to reply. I have a huge computer problem at the moment. And you already know how much tech stuff stress me. By the way, I received your t-shirt. It is gorgeous. I got two actually. Need to write to Redbubble shop. They obviously made a mistake. Cheers!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey Lady D, pleased to hear that – glad the tee shirts is as it should be 🙂

      Redbubble will tell you to keep that – they don’t have the avenue to accept return items, so if it fits and it’s not a complaint they will say something like ‘two’s the better for you!’ They are very good on that level in some ways 🙂

      I am still waiting for your tee shirts to arrive, should be sometime soon 🙂

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    3. The t-shirt fit perfectly. The other one is not even a design from your shop. At least, not one I have seen. I was really happy to get the parcel without the unnecessary plastique bag too. 🙂

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    1. Don’t get me wrong Cris. I do have lots of clothing because I am like a collector. But they all fit me and I put them in rotation. My trick is to only keep some of my clothes in my wardrobe, storing the rest inside suitcases. Therefore, every time I open a suitcase, I feel like I have new clothes, and it keeps things exciting.


  9. Such a great post, Dominique. Lately I have been going through a wardrobe and style overhaul. Been getting rid a lo of clothes that don’t fit and I won’t wear anymore. I really like your point on observe and take notes. For me, I like to look at a piece of clothing and ask, do I like the aesthetic, is it practical, will I wear it, and come back to buying the item later if I can justify my purchase. However there are sometimes when I will just splurge on a whim lol 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh how right you are to branch out in many things! Like # 3 and think it goes along with our recent move when we have new closets to learn. See our post today as we explain more.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello! I did see your post and enjoyed it too. Lots of good and practical tips. And I really like what you did with your closet. I will go visit your site again soon because I want to read more of you. At the moment, I am taking a little break from social media so I don’t blog much. I want to spend some quality time with my son while he does not have school. Cheers!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Ehm – tidy wardrobe?! I can’t even imagine what that might look like! 😂😉 Honestly, I try to tidy it up about once a year (okay, maybe every two years 😉), but as soon as I turn my back it gets into its former state – all on its own!! I’m sure there’s some kind of naughty elf living inside it doing a mess because it can’t be me. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Of course, it can’t be you! Lol I’m hoping my daughter won’t read your comment as she will like it too much and use this excuse for herself. I’m pretty sure there are three naughty goblins living in her closet.

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    2. Hehe! 😉 I always wanted to end up being censored for having a bad influence on kids. 😉 Though I would prefer it not to have to drink a cup of hemlock as punishment like Socrates. 😂

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    3. Oh no!! Not COD LIVER!! (Shrieks, and turns on her heels, running away until the only thing you’re able to see is a tiny spot on the horizon – apparently cod liver is like garlic to vampires, btw: I like garlic, so I’m definitely not a vampire – damn!) 😉

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    4. I love garlic, too. Yes, run as fast as you can… My grandma made me drink cod liver oil every Sunday when I was a kid. Argggg -It is so awful! Thankfully, that’s the only bad memory I have of her. Lol Keep smiling dear friend. xoxo

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    5. My mum told me the same thing about her grandmother! LOL! So glad she didn’t want to repeat the experience with me when I was a kid. 😉 Also I was, and still am I guess, a very fussy eater – she would never have succeeded in forcing me to eat that spoonful of cod liver oil. 😉 Have a lovely weekend, dear friend! xoxo

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    6. Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t intend to make you feel old by saying that – which of course you are not!!! And I guess you’re right – after cod liver oil everything must taste delicious! 😄 xoxo

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    7. Phew! 😉 But rest assured – you actually don’t look older than 25! We all are only as old as we feel (which makes me a comfortable 23 at times). Also I seem to remember having read something about the relativity of time and space (Einstein rings a bell 😉 ) – and therefore age is relative too! 😀 xoxo


  12. Pingback: How To Enhance Your Style? — – Ellustar Fashion
  13. So true, we do really change our taste and style .Our body changes too with time……coherence is not always a good thing : at times it stakes and it stops you from evolving and expressing the multiple faces we all have🤓

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I also believe that we need to respond to our surroundings and feelings… Only then will change be met with acceptance, not resistance. This is true and not only with fashion. Cheers my friend!

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