1. Intéressant! C’est en effet passé dans nos moeurs, particulièrement en “textant”, que d’utiliser un émoticone pour decrire notre humeur ou état d’esprit. Récemment, comme je répondais par un commentaire neutre a ma fille qui me textait, elle me dit “mets moi un emoticône pour que je comprenne vraiment ce que tu penses. Ça m’avait frappé! 😄🙋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, tellement un bel exemple. Merci de l’avoir partagé Imelda. Tu as parfaitement raison de préciser que les émoticônes ont une grande importance dans les texto. Bon dimanche!


  2. Very interesting and so true. I believe that they are going to become more and more powerful and informal written language has already changed because of them. No words needed really just an image. The funny thing is that yesterday I was talking to my 11yo son and I told him to hurry up and invent a machine that writes oral language and reads written language (OMG I should patent this right now – lol). My background is linguistics so this really fascinates me. Anyway, many languages die everyday and I believe that the future will be no more read and write and instead machines will do this for you and I would not be surprised if emoticons will be used in all text messages by themselves no need to write. Actually, it is already happening. Sorry, for the long comment. I loved it. Have a beautiful day! xoxo Cris

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love your comment Cris. It is so true but unfortunately when this happens I will be out of a job since I’m a journalist. Unless like everything else I’ll adapt and find new ways to communicate. Thanks again for your lovely comment. Have a very nice week. xoxo


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