Happy Earth Day – 15 Simple Ways To Help Save The Planet

Harnessing the Ant Collective Power

Ants in large numbers are called an army for a reason. Individually they seem like such powerless creatures. Together, they can easily kill and eat literally anything in their way.
Imagine harnessing this kind of collective power for constructive purposes!
The individual proponent of climate change may feel like one of those ants (to us) – powerless to stop the smoke billowing from those huge factories in his city, tired of picking up the same trash every day in the parks around her neighborhood.
Together, the people who are truly committed to climate change can form the same kind of army as those unassuming ants. Major victories have come recently from efforts like this. We won a $289 million dollar lawsuit against Monsanto that was so damaging and public that the company was bought up by Bayer and the Monsanto name retired. (Watch the news to see how it resurfaces, because it definitely will.)
New York has sued Exxon over climate change. The EU has banned neonicotinoids, a pesticide type that is known to kill bees (Thank you Darren for being part of that change). We are stalling and disrupting oil pipeline construction in Virginia, New York, Maine, England. Reforestation efforts are working in Puerto Rico, China, Pakistan (the country is planning to plant 10 BILLION new trees!) and Scotland.
There is much more work to be done, but I’d say that it is time to celebrate the ant. There are more than 10,000 ant species around the world according to National Geographic. In our 2019 April edition of When Fashion and Nature Collide (click HERE) we presented two of them: the Black Ant and the Leaf Cutter Ant.
The Black AntThe Leaf Cutter AntThere is a reason why I used a gold fish in a plastic bag in the photo above. We need to end plastic pollution in order to help protect the ocean and the marine life. See the 2018 August edition of When Fashion and Nature Collide for more information on the topic, click HERE.
For this special post on Earth Day we are bringing attention to this inspiring insect through our Ant Barcode and Bug Barcode.

Clean Style With a PhilosophyMore items on our shopBug Show your love...Bug Barcode on Cushion

Your investment in these stickers, T-shirts, cushions, notebooks and bags makes a statement as well as providing you with some super trendy swag that will make an immediate impression with friends and business associates.
We also celebrate the attitude that it takes to go against the grain with all odds against you. The two new and beautiful designs made by Darren, the Spicy Salsa dancing chilies and the xoxo chilies, pay homage to having what it takes to speak truth to power and follow it up with decisive action when the opportunity presents itself. Visit Darren’s blog to learn more about these designs (link below).

Mix of the two chilies designs

Climate change is personal and it is political. What you do matters on an individual and a collective scale. As you organize big efforts with big hopes, you can also do your part by following these 15 simple ways to help save the planet:

Simple Ways to help save the planet

We can all take heed to how we commute, what we buy and what we eat as well:

Simple Ways to...2

That army of ants may actually serve another purpose when you really begin cutting back on meat. Plenty of cultures use insects as their main source of protein…
In all seriousness, take heart and pronounce yourself bravely. As you move through the products you see on our shop, choose the ones that resonate most with the causes that you celebrate. Rest assured that every purchase you make with us empowers the effort to climate change just a little bit more. For example, all of the inks used in our products are water-based. They do not contain PVC, phthalates, or AZO dyes, inks are absorbed by the fibers in the garment.
If we all do our part right now and continue to engage over time, we can call together our army of ants to bring down and build up just about anything we want to – for our beautiful Mother Earth.

Untitled (1)

Don’t forget to visit LismorePaper and The Arty Plantsman to get an overall view of our collaboration.
Above collages, creative barcode concept and styling by Dominique Nancy, 3C Style –– Photography of 3C Style by Marie-Claude Viola –– Ant Photography and chilies Artwork by Darren Sleep, The Arty Plantsman –– Ant & Bug Barcode Artworks, Land Sea Earth creative concept and image by Lisa Lawrence, Lismore Paper
Let’s stay connected: Bloglovin – Instagram @3cstyle_fashion

  1. This post touched my heart and soul beyond words. Such an important topic. What we do today has such an impact on tomorrow. I am so proud of our products and what we stand for. Much love! You are brilliant 🐝😊💗

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I am also very proud of our designs and team efforts. It is so much fun to collaborate with you and Darren. You two are the best creative partners and friends. On my way to read your post sis.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s part of our mission and we enjoy creating designs that give a voice to others. Such an important topic! Thank you Megala for your support as always. Have a great week.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I am enjoying the heatwave yes 🙂 Later this week we will have rain but the garden really needs i now so I don’t mind at all. I am so looking forward to visiting Montreal again and seeing you and our friends:)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tu as les mots justes. Et le look et le design aussi . J’aime ta façon daborder le sujet, c’est inspirant et pas moralisateur. Bravo! Et encore!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You are so studious in so many areas of your life. Today, it truly comes out with your blog. The research alone speaks so well. The ant analogy is spot on. It helps to communicate a visual that each one makes the collective successful. Each one, reaches one. Darren’s Spicy Salsa dancing chilies is a standout. Love the xoxo design. I particularly love the shade of clay-green of your skirt. It would mix with anything. Love your passion for the fight for a clean world. You communicate so we’ll, Dominique. Never stop. Hugs and love. -Alan

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Aww, your comment is so lovely! And it goes straight to my heart. Thank you Alan. These kind of comments from fellow bloggers always mean the world to me. Speaking of the ability to convey a visual expression, your stories do that so wonderfully. Best regards -Dominique

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Great post Lady D – an all important post and topic, one that is close to my own passions as well – together we can do much – and yet people still complain about this and that, l see complacency and apathy everywhere -“Not my problem” is a classic line or the very best, that l have heard so call intelligent people mutter -“It’s all one big conpiracy!!” two years ago l walked away from friends because they insisted there was no such thing as global warming!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I know, I have heard the same replies before. So frustrating but there are also many people that are willing to put in the effort. And together we can hopefully make a difference. Thanks Rory!

      Liked by 3 people

    1. I like your answers. It is nice to learn more about you. Writing a good blog post in Shakespearian language when it is not your first language can indeed take time. I know because my mother tongue is French. A simple comment can sometimes take me up to 15 minutes to write. Lol. All that to say that I do understand how you might feel. Still I enjoy blogging and I see that over the three years that I have been doing it my English writing has improved quite a bit. Thank you for nominating me. I am honored that you thought of me. Hope you are a patient person though. I still have a few awards I have not done yet. Might get the time during my vacation in June. Have a wonderful week ahead.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I stopped by to thank you for your following and to spend a bit more time here. I’m big on ecology. My daughter had her wedding on Earth day many years ago. The marriage didn’t last but it brought it to the forefront for all her guests as she gave out little pine trees to each one to plant. Ants are a necessary nuisance in the world. They keep the earth aerated and Poppies need them to open their blooms but I hate them in my kitchen. They are coming through wall outlets as soon as the weather gets warm. So out they have to go. Fire ants are deadly so I watch where I walk. You are absolutely correct. As a collective, we have more strength and greater voice. The next generation hopefully will fix the damage the knuckleheads in power are creating. I’m trying to be kind here. We have to get this job done even if we do small things. Keep on teaching about this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww -thank you so much Marlene for this beautiful comment. And sorry for taken too long to reply. Life got in the way. Seriously, I have been working a lot lately and the little time that I have left is dedicated to my son. He is 15 years old, kind and smart but he has ADHD. So he still needs me to help him with his studies. Over the years I found that when he plays the part of the teacher and I pretend to be the student who needs explanation it helps him to memorize the information. He is doing wonderful at school and I am a proud mum.
      You are right. Each and everyone of us have to do our share if we want to save our beautiful planet. Thanks again for stopping by my blog. I will visit yours again pretty soon. I can’t wait to know what happened the day your son visited you. Keep well. -Dominique

      Liked by 2 people

    2. That is a very clever way to help your son learn! Perfect. Boys NEVER outgrown needing their mothers. MIne is 51 and calls everyday to check on me. The bond now lasts a lifetime and is more important than anything. I haven’t finished writing the post yet so no worries. I’m always behind. Life has it’s own agenda.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I totally agree with you. Family and friendship are more important than anything. Hope the bond with my son will last a lifetime too. I try my best to prepare him for life and to built a strong relationship. Kids grow so fast. It is so nice that your son calls you every day to check on you. Have a lovely week Marlene.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you like the post Paula. All the little things that we do make a difference. Not always easy to change our habits though. Still working on it too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This one really touches my heart and soul, Dominique! You wrote so beautifully and powerfully about the need to act here, it’s exactly what I feel and think as well. Every day should be Earth Day!
    If we don’t hurry with our actions, it might be too late. Every little helps, the tips you’ve mentioned here a wonderful first step. Living in a big city I don’t even need a car to get where I want to go, but still so many who live here as well insist on using theirs. It drives me absolutely crazy ( no pun intended 😉).
    Ants are a great example to demonstrate the power of the little – together we are stronger than alone. And as you’ve pointed out, lawsuits are more and more successful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It meant something at the time but neither Darren nor I can remember. Lol. Maybe Lisa will. 😉 It might be our Swiss bank account number. Feel free to pay money in.

      Liked by 1 person

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