One Groovy Award for Myself!

Oh dear, not another award. It’s gonna take me all night to answer the questions… They are so PERSONAL sometimes. Don’t get me wrong. I am honoured by the recognition from other bloggers but it drives me nuts to expose my private life, childhood and secret desires. So I tried to escape, delay and even forget… But this time I can’t. I have been nominate by Roda from Growing Self for her eponymous award. No way, I can say no to her… What is it you say?? This reward has no questions? Really? I loooove you my twin sister! Oh yeah, I am being funny  On a serious note, I’m really grateful for this nomination and I am pleased to accept. Thank you my friend.
Roda – A.K.A. the fairy friend to all critters and plants. A fairy friend also to the beautiful Margit from Rhapsody Bohème, to Linda, The Amazing Dragon Queen, and to DEE-DEE, one lovely soul that should never be invisible no more. But to me, this gorgeous 5’10 blond is my wonderful “twin sister”. That’s how she calls me anyway. It makes me smile considering I am five inches shorter than her. I call her The Angel Blogger as it seems her mission in life is to spread love throughout the blogosphere. Not a day goes by without her sending good vibes and encouraging each and everyone of us to love and embrace ourselves. This talented and passionate artist who’s masters work is in gifted education has a heart as large and warm as the sun. She is a gift to me and I’m very happy to have her among my WP friends.

Now on to this groovy award

Let Roda, the creator, describe its purpose herself: “The Growing Self Blogger Award has been created to acknowledge and celebrate amazing individuals, in the blogging community, who are persevering through life’s challenges not only to GROW as individuals, but to reach out and help others GROW as well.”

The Rules:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog;
  • List the rules;
  • Thank the individual that nominated you and provide a link to their blog;
  • Describe the award and mention the creator: Roda  –;
  • Nominate up to 5 blogs.  Remember, the purpose of this award is to specifically celebrate those individuals that have made a difference in your life or the lives of others;
  • Give at least 1 reason why you nominated each individual.
  • Notify your nominees of the award

The Nominees

Note: If you are nominated, you are under no obligation to accept or take part. Absolutely no pressure, ok?
Darren from The Arty Plantsman and I were both honoured by Roda and since we had many mutual blogger friends in mind to nominate we decided to cheat a little jointly nominate the people in order to name as many as possible (10 individuals in total).

Here are 5 of these amazing bloggers (see Darren’s blogpost for the other magnificent five):

Cris from PhotosbyCris – She’s a mom of twin boys, a talented photographer and the author of One Way Trip, a heartfelt story inspired by true events available on Amazon. Cris photographs fantastically about a country she is so deeply in love with – Australia. Her photos will transport you there mentally and in soul, and soul she has plenty of. Kindness too I may add.
Shalini from Views & Reviews – She’s the PERFECT combination of science and art. This anesthesiologist has a long time passion for reading. Her blog started by her love for reading books, all genre of books. Lately, she has started to review other products such as beauty products, fashion accessories and gadgets. Sometimes, she also explores memories of her own, parts of her life, which she had forgotten, she said. Whatever she writes about it is done with such scrutiny that it is almost terrifying. She seems to see into the writer’s soul and perceive everything. She’s the most serious book reviewer of all WP I know and her personal thoughts are a cathedral of the mind. BTW I think she holds the most beautiful qualities possible in a person as well: compassion, respect, intelligence, warmth and honesty. I told you she is perfect, simply perfect.
Sarah from Miss Gentileschi – I could honestly read all day her blogposts, including her comments which are always kind and witty. She is truly a gifted artist and her passion echoes in her painting, writing, photography and sculpture. I just love her story about Count Harecula so much. I can’t wait for her to have it published so I could read more of it. Keep up with the wonderful job that you are doing Sarah and never stop as your artwork and yourself are inspiring in so many ways.
Miriam from Out an’ About – Here’s another beautiful soul and talented artist. This traveler, writer, photographer and singer from Australia is someone with ideas, with spirit and with heart. I feel that she and I could have become “true” friends in real life. Ooooh you do inspire me to get out and travel and I so enjoy hearing your lovely voice. I do expect those front row tickets that you promised when you’ll do your first concert!
Tashnee from Tashnee V. Mavee – This professional dancer and fashion blogger is bold and I mean it in a good way. She’s certainly not afraid to wear colorful clothing but also shows an incredible ability to take risks in every aspect of her life. She bravely talks about her childhood that hasn’t been easy, to say the least. Nevertheless, she kept a positive attitude and her resilience made her the strong woman she is today: A beautiful individual that never hesitates to give a helping hand to others. She has my deepest respect.
Again, gratitude to Roda from Growing Self for her nomination.
Have a great day everyone.  Stay strong, stay stylish!
Let’s stay connected: Bloglovin – Instagram @3cstyle_fashion

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  1. Hi Dominique, firstly a huge congrats to you on this much deserved award. Secondly, I am so incredibly honoured and touched by your mention here. Even though I gave up doing awards a long time ago I truly appreciate your kind words. Roda has created a wonderful award, there are so many amazing bloggers out there. One day I’ll get off my rear and do a huge combined thank you post and this one will most definitely be mentioned. Thanks again Dominique and yes, I haven’t forgotten about those front row tickets! 😊💜✈️

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thanks Miriam for your kind comment! I totally understand as I am also behind on many other award posts. I might follow your advice and do a huge combined thank you post. Have a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Bonjour Tony. Quelle belle visite. Je me demandais ce qui advenait de toi puisque je n’arrivais plus à accéder à ton site. Bien heureuse d’avoir de tes nouvelles. J’espère que tout va bien. Au plaisir de te lire.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Coucou Dominique,
      Oui je vais bien et toi ?
      J’avais perdu l’accès à ton blog après un break non volontaire, …Grrr
      Heureux de te revoir !
      Des bisous de France.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Vraiment désolée de ce problème que tu as eu avec la technologie mais bien heureuse que tout soit revenu à l’ordre. Oui, ça va de mon côté également. Outre le manque de temps, je me porte plutôt bien. Merci. Nous avons une magnifique journée ensoleillée aujourd’hui alors je vais en profiter pour faire une belle promenade. À bientôt. Bisous.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Awe, this is so wonderful and so well deserved my beautiful friend. Congratulations. You are right Roda my Fairy Sister is a wonderful friend who spreads kindness and empowering love in all of her messages, and so are you. I hope you know that I don’t only speak for myself when I say what a big difference you have made for me and in the blog world. You are amazing in every way and I am grateful for you and your friendship.
    PS. Thank you so much for your kind words. You are an angel. Xo ♥️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. What a beautiful message Margit. I am touched by your words and I hope my reply to you will show how much I am grateful for your friendship. Empathy, sharing, open-mindedness, a focus on others… These qualities punctuate the daily lives of so many of my WP friends and you have become in a short period of time a very precious one. The way you express your gratitude and thoughts create strong, collaborative ties that pave the way for grater influence. You rock! Thank you my friend for being so awesome. Muah ♥️ xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

    2. You are so kind Dominique and your words, as always touch my heart in a way that deserves the utmost treasure. It never gets old to be touched by kindness and the gratitude I feel could never be explained in words. Thank you so much for being YOU, beautiful inside and out and a light on the horizon for so many. You are amazing my beautiful lady. Xo. Muah 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you so much Dominique. The way you see me, believe me. I don’t see that about myself. It was quite a shock. Thank you for the honor and the love I get from you. Sometimes, when the heart is heavily and the body is tired, your words act as a balm to soothe both of them. I am actually speechless about the way I am described. I feel I have to pinch myself to wake up. I looked in the mirror and asked – am I all that? Can I be all that? Thank you once again for the nomination. You have a great attitude and a great flair for life and clothes. There are times when I look at my clothes and think, how would Dominique wear this? I want the attitude and the panache that you have… Well I am trying.
    Thank you once again for the nomination and your words. I am taking a screenshot of it and looking at it, whenever life knocks me down. 😘😘💗💗

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My dear and beautiful friend. I truly meant what I wrote. You are all that and so much more. You also have a special talent for writing. I hope you know that. 💗 Your lovely comment leaves me speechless. It goes straight to my heart. Thank you!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Many congratulations to the award, Dominique! You absolutely deserve it since you´re truly an amazing person who never fails to inspire us all with your wonderful writing and posts!
    And thank you so much for nominating me, Dominique and Darren – I feel so very honored and touched, and I´m so glad to have such wonderful friends here! Your lovely words nearly had me in tears. 🙂
    Wish you a perfect day, full of love, sunshine and creativity! xoxo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope I will never make you cry mon amie. I only wish the best for you as I think you have such a beautiful soul and so much talent. I wanted to show you my appreciation of all the wonderful qualities I find in you. Speak to you soon. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Je ne sais si je dois te féliciter pour ta nomination, ou compatir de tout coeur pour “toute la job” qui vient avec…
    En tout cas , je suis très heureuse des liens que tu donnes pour ces blogs! Pour moi cest quand même le tien mon pref et de loin. En passant je trouve vraiment génial les réponses que du donnes a tes fan. Ça sonne vrai et c’est tres altruiste. Tu te donnes tellement la peine 😍!

    Liked by 1 person

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