Yes, I Blog! And I love it.

Dominique NancyMany of you have asked me a number of questions about myself to know me better. I was touched and decided to open up a bit more. So recently, I started 3C Crush, a weekly rendez-vous (see first edition here), which refers essentially to delightful things that happened to me as a blogger and, most importantly, amazing communication posts, books, photographies or any other creations presented by the WordPress community or on other social medias. Warm appreciations for 3C Crush have been send to me. Thank you. It makes me very happy! Today, I thought of sharing my Profile page since it answers some of the questions that has been raised and for those of you who just join me in my adventure it will give you a better idea of what to expect from 3C Style.

Before going any further, let me first translate this part for my fellow French readers.

Plusieurs d’entre vous m’ont posé un certain nombre de questions sur moi-même. J’ai été touchée car cela reflète votre désir de mieux me connaître. Alors, j’ai décidé de m’ouvrir un peu plus à vous et j’ai lancé 3C Crush, un rendez-vous hebdomadaire (voir la première édition ici) qui réfère à d’agréables surprises en tant que blogueuse et, surtout, des communications étonnantes qui ont capté mon attention: des textes, des livres, des photographies ou toutes autres créations présentées par la communauté WordPress ou via d’autres médias sociaux. 3C Crush semble vous plaire comme en témoignent vos commentaires. J’en suis très heureuse! Je partage avec vous aujourd’hui la page de mon Profil présenté sur le blogue, car vous y trouverez les réponses à vos questions et les nouveaux visiteurs auront ainsi une meilleure idée à quoi s’attendre de 3C Style.

Me & the Blog

I am Dominique Nancy and here on 3C Style I share with you my interest for fashion and style through my discoveries. How to mix prints and colours? How to distinguish a 100% vintage garment? How to be stylish without breaking the bank? Why do we find Paraben in some beauty products? What are the benefits of slug slime for my skin? Is my yoga clothing made of bamboo fibber eco-friendly? These are examples of questions that arouse my curiosity.

I tend to question myself about everything and to seek information. The fashion industry and beauty is no exception. Hence this blog! In my every day life, I’m a French scientific journalist from Quebec, Canada. For the blog, I write about sustainable clothing, trends and styling. I share with you my vision of fashion through ensemble ideas, fashion news, portraits of stylish women & designers and cool tips to elevate your chic and your eco-friendly consumption. Every now and then I also share with a touch of humour my thoughts about specific topics related to the world around me, as well as my own trials and learnings. You will find these posts in my capsules The world of 3C Style in BD and Life & Style Interview.

The three “C” in 3C Style refer to classic, contemporary and chic. No matter your fashion preferences and budget, it is possible to be stylish. Whatever your age and your look! I’m not perfect but I have a frame that millions of women have and should enjoy. The blog could just as well be called 8C style as it also advocates a “reasonable consumer” and an “ethical conscience” as “creativity”, “curiosity” and “courage” to see fashion differently .

If you are reading this, you already are part of my world. I hope you will follow me in my adventure to discover more of 3C Style. Then, I will have the chance to get to know you better myself. Because the best thing about blogging is the connections we make!

Stay strong, stay stylish!


Moi & le Blogue

Bonjour. Je suis Dominique Nancy et ici sur 3C Style je partage avec vous mon intérêt pour la mode et le style au travers de mes découvertes. Comment bien agencer les imprimés et les couleurs ? Comment distinguer un vêtement 100% vintage ? Comment être stylé sans se ruiner ? Pourquoi retrouve-t-on du Paraben dans certains produits de beauté ? Quels sont les bienfaits de la bave de limace pour ma peau ? Mon vêtement de yoga fait de fibre de bambou est-il écologique ? Voilà des exemples de questions qui suscitent ma curiosité.

Journaliste scientifique depuis 18 ans du Québec, j’ai tendance à me questionner sur tout et à rechercher l’information pour mieux comprendre le monde qui m’entoure. L’industrie de la mode et de la beauté n’y échappe pas. D’où ce blogue! J’écris sur la mode écologique, les tendances et le style. Je partage avec vous ma vision de la mode au travers d’idées de tenues, des reportages, des portraits de femmes avec du style et des designers ainsi que des trucs pour être chic et élégante tout en favorisant le développement durable. À l’occasion, je partage aussi avec humours mes réflexions sur des sujets spécifiques liés à la vie quotidienne, ainsi que mes propres épreuves et apprentissages. Vous trouverez ces textes dans les capsules Le monde de 3C Style en BD et Life & Style.

Les trois «C» de 3C Style réfèrent à classique, contemporain et chic. Mais quelque soit vos préférences vestimentaires et votre budget, il est possible d’être stylé. Peu importe votre âge et votre apparence! Je suis loin d’être parfaite mais j’ai une silhouette semblable à celle de millions de femmes et on devrait toutes s’apprécier. Le blogue aurait pu tout aussi bien se nommer 8C Style puisqu’il prône une «consommation raisonnable» et une «conscience éthique», de même que la «créativité», la «curiosité» et le «courage» de voir la mode autrement.

Si vous lisez ceci, vous faites déjà partie de mon monde. J’espère que vous allez me suivre dans mon aventure à la découverte de 3C Style. J’aurai ainsi l’occasion de mieux vous connaître moi-même. Parce que blogger c’est avant tout pour moi une façon d’établir des connexions avec les gens!

Soyez forte, soyez stylée!


Thanks for your visit. – Merci de visiter mon blogue. 

Follow my blog with Bloglovin – Instagram @3cstyle_fashion

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  1. This is a wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I love what you and your blog stand for. I love how much I learn every time I read your articles. They are very important and so much fun. I admire you as a person, a blogger, a professional and a woman. Have a wonderful weekend. Take care xoxo Cris

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Aww – Thank you so much for this beautiful comment dear Cris. I’m sure you will agree with me when I say that blogging is all about friendships, learnings and inspiration we get from others. I do find these things through you and your amazing photos. So glad you are part of my world! Have a lovely weekend my friend. xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Delighted to be your friend and to be a part of your world Dominique. You are such fun. Such a hard working and genuinely decent person too. You already know I support what your blog stands for and I am delighted you are sharing more about yourself. Darren xx

    Liked by 4 people

  3. An excellent post! It is always fun to learn more about the person behind the blog. You mentioned that you are a french scientific journalist, I am curious which branch of science you write about 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. For the past 18 years, I have been working for a university newspaper. We mostly write about the discoveries made by our researchers. My two colleagues and I cover different branches of science such as medicine, biology (we have this in common!), neuro-psychology, art, social, chemistry, astronomy, law, politic… Although I am a very curious person, I must admit that the first five topics are my fav and thankfully the discoveries made in these branches often end up on my desk. I must say that it is great to be paid to learn and write every day!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Great to read more about you, I love it! Also good to pratice my French, I have to teach a lecture at University in French next week and I’m kinda nervous hahaha.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Rida for your kind words. Nice to meet you and welcome to my world. You are at the right place to interact, laugh and create relations with lovely people. Bienvenue dans mon réseau d’amis (es).

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Nice to meet you here Dominique! Looking forward to reading your tips on eco-friendly, without breaking the bank. I love that your background and interest in science is a driving force in choice recommendations. Thank you for visiting me so that I could come here for inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog Bonnie. Welcome to my world. I am delighted that our path crossed and hope that we’ll bring each other inspiration and joy. BTW your comment is lovely and made me smile. Thanks. Can’t wait to read more about you so I can get to know you better. Have a lovely week.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You are a very good writer. I look at your styles and I am in awe of you. I can never put clothes together so I have so much respect for your creativity and your hard work. You rock, Dominique

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Creative, beautiful and such a genuinely kind person… Can you be more perfect? In French, it is for me a lot easier to write. I have been doing it as a scientific journalist for the pass 18 years. In English it is a different ball game. I am very anxious. But blogging helps. I am making progress. Thank you Shalini for your positive feedback. You made my day.

      Liked by 1 person

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